
At AvidMax we firmly believe that we are the change we wish to see in the world. As an outdoor lifestyle company, we embrace our responsibility to preserve our environment and ecosystems, as well as positively impact our community and society as a whole. Responsibility is woven into our values, and integrated into how we operate as a company. We are committed to advocating for causes we believe in while contributing our time, effort, and capital toward these causes to ensure that future generations are able to experience all the splendor of nature that we’ve had the privilege to enjoy.

We are team of fly fishing enthusiasts and nature lovers, and feel it is important that we support organizations and activities that protect our watersheds and its inhabitants. AvidMax is proud to be a business member of Trout Unlimited, a grassroots organization dedicated to conservation of coldwater fisheries in North America at the local, state, and national levels. AvidMax is also a member of AFFTA (American Fly Fishing Trade Association) who support protection, restoration, and conservation efforts around the country contributing to the growth and viability of the fly fishing industry. We support local conservations programs such as the South Platte Pro Am CarpSlam through donation and volunteering efforts. The Carp Slam helps raise funds to clean up the South Platte River which runs through Denver, as well as innovative programs such as the Trout-in-the-Classroom project. We also practice on-site recycling programs for cardboard and other recyclables throughout our operations in an effort to make our environmental footprint smaller.

Throughout the year we are continually looking at new ways to improve our sustainability efforts, engage with our communities, and evaluate the feasibility of new ideas. We acknowledge that our pathway toward sustainability at AvidMax is just beginning and ever-evolving. However, we are confident that by committing to responsibility we will become a stronger company, driven to enact the change we seek, inspiring others to become stewards of our planet along with us.